When the new Lothians & Border Presbytery was set up, it was deemed essential the Presbytery have dedicated staff to help it grow and support congregational mission. After a lot of debate both the Implementation Group that was drawn from the four legacy Presbyteries and the Presbytery Council of L&BP decided two heads were better than one. We are therefore now looking to recruit a half-time mission officer. The intention is to hire two half-time people whose skills complement each other and who will have a greater impact than a single person.
An advert for the role and a complete job description are attached below. The closing date by which to apply for the role is 3rd April - to enquire further or put yourself forward for the
role, please contact me on 07549 861770 or at nsmith@churchofscotland.org.uk.
God Bless
Rev. Norman Smith
Lothians & Border Presbytery Clerk