> Minister: Vacant - the Reverend Brian Hilsley (BHilsley@churchofscotland.org.uk) is currently acting as Interim Moderator.
> Session
Clerks: Myra Johnstone
(myra.johnstone7@btinternet.com) and Christine Gray (christine.i.gray@btinternet.com, 01368 863035).
> Treasurer: Gillian Rae (gillianarae@gmail.com)
> Gift Aid: Andrew Brown (01368 865982,
> Property/Hall Lettings: Mary Young (07799 487340, belhavenhalls@btinternet.com)
> Church Secretary: Maryclare Jenkins
(07484 897871, secretarybelhavenchurch@outlook.com)
> Website: Darren Kilfara (07931 869390, dkilfara@gmail.com)
Contact details for people responsible for specific activities can be found on the
What's On page of the website.