For a calendar of Current Events taking place in the near future, visit the Forward Planner page on the website.
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Other groups and areas of focus currently active in the church (at Belhaven unless otherwise specified):
On Sunday mornings
> Sunday Worship: Our weekly worship services take place every Sunday at Spott at 10 a.m., and at Belhaven at 11:30 a.m.
> Launchpad: This is our Sunday morning group for children of primary school age – it meets in the Church Hall during every Sunday service, excluding the 1st Sunday of the month if Messy Church is running (see below).
> Lazers: This is our Sunday morning
group for children of secondary school age – it meets in the Stables building during every Sunday service, excluding the 3rd Sunday of the month if Breakfast Church is
running (see above). Once a month, the Lazers children begin the service in church before moving to the Stables.
> Creche: We have had a creche for toddlers and infants in the past. It is not running on Sunday mornings at present; however, it is being kept under review and could be restarted as the need arises.
> Breakfast Church: We usually have a special "Breakfast Church" meeting in the Church Hall on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 10 a.m. – come join us for some food and some chat.
Youth and family activities
> Messy Church: This non-traditional
form of church with a focus on children and families meets on a monthly basis at the church – usually at 3 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon – and has proven extremely successful. For more information,
> Toddlers Group: Our Toddlers Group is back up and running every Tuesday morning in the Church Hall from 9:30 to
11:30 a.m. This has become a very popular community event, to the point that sometimes the hall sometimes overflows and we have to close the doors to late arrivals for fire and safety reasons
(etc.), so please do be aware of this! The cost is £2 for adults and £1 per child, with babies too young to receive a snack able to come along for free – for more information, contact
Chris Yule (07917 461703,
> First Friday: This is a youth group for children between P7 and S6 on the first Friday of the month, excluding holidays (not January, July or August) - it takes place from 7-9 p.m. at West Barns Village Hall. We have a different activity each month, and stop for snacks while a leader sharing a short answer to a question about the Christian faith. Previous activities have included boardgames nights, an escape room and a chocolate workshop. For more information, contact Hazel Gray (
Worship and meetings during the week
> House Group: Our House Group meets fortnightly on Monday evenings in the Stables, with tea and coffee at 7:30 p.m. ahead of a 7:45 p.m. start. We use resources which will help us look at the Bible, our faith and the challenges of living out that faith in everyday life, and the group is a great chance to have fellowship and learn more about Christianity together with other members of the church. For more information, contact Hazel Gray (
> Bible Study Group: We have a Bible study group which meets every Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. in the Stables building. For more information, contact Margaret Cannon at
> Wednesday Worship: (Currently inactive) Periodically, we hold gatherings for those who for various reasons are not able to attend Sunday services - a short act of worship is followed by a time of fellowship and chat over tea/coffee/baking. These meetings stopped during the pandemic and have not yet resumed, but plans are being made to restart them.
> Prayer Meeting: A group meets for prayer – primarily for our leaders during this time of vacancy – on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Stables building. For more information, contact Alison Murray at
Other church groups
> The Guild: The church is part of
the national Church of Scotland Guild. We meet at 2:30 p.m. in the Church Hall on the first Tuesday of every month from October until April – our programme includes local
speakers, musical entertainment and other events. For more information, contact Fionna Payton at
Other study resources
> Bookstall: The Church runs a bookstall, with a library of books available by the entrance to the Church Hall. For more information, click on this link and/or contact Malcolm Payton at
> Short-term Studies/Courses: From time to time, we have run various short-term courses. For example, we have run a Christianity Explored course and several other video related course usually over a number of weeks. Our plan is to return to such activities in the near future. These will be publicised in our weekly newsletter.
Where no contact is specified, please email for more information.