Our (Interim) Minister: Rev Brian Hilsley
The post of Minister is currently vacant. The Rev Brian Hilsley has been appointed as our Interim Moderator and as locum – his email address is BHilsley@churchofscotland.org.uk.
Belhaven and Spott Parish Church
For around 45 years, Belhaven Parish Church was linked with historic Spott Kirk, a delightful congregation which meets in the lovely peaceful church just over the A1 in the foothills of the Lammermuirs. As of 1 August 2023, Belhaven and Spott have become joined as the united Belhaven and Spott Parish Church.
Although small in number, the Spott congregation brings a lively worship and a warm spirit of fellowship to their church life together. The simplicity and attractiveness of the building seems to carry in its stones the echoes of faithful worshippers over many centuries. All of this combines to make Spott a very special place – and a very special experience. The well-documented Visitors Book reveals how many people have found spending time in Spott Kirk to be a precious and memorable experience which offers a rare chance for quiet reflection and prayer in a world that often seems too busy for its own good.
Our twinned church: Mahakalguri Pastorate, North India
Belhaven is twinned with Mahakalguri Pastorate, which is part of the Church of North India. It is situated in the plains of West Bengal in North-East India and is part of a larger twinning of Lothian Presbytery with the Diocese of Eastern Himalaya.
Mahakalguri Pastorate includes the church in a village of the same name and four smaller churches in nearby villages. The presbyter (minister) is Rev. Pradip Narjinary and our twinning
correspondent is Dr. Hriday Basumata.
Scottish missionaries came to this area in the late 19th century and established the Mahakalguri Mission High School for boys during the 1950s. The Girls’ High School was founded during the 1960s
by another Scot, Miss McCutcheon, who served there as headmistress until 1993. Her picture is still proudly displayed in the head teacher’s room.
Three members of Belhaven visited Mahakalguri in November 2019 and received a wonderful welcome from the people of the pastorate. Whilst there, the group stayed in the Mission House that was built for Miss McCutcheon. They attended Sunday worship in the church and were moved by the enthusiasm, singing and joyfulness of the service. They were also able to visit the four ‘daughter’ churches and both the Girls’ and the Boys’ High Schools.
If you would like to know more about our twin church, please speak to Diana Mackie (dimackie@mayvillepark.plus.com), who is currently the twinning correspondent for Belhaven.
Belhaven and Spott: Our History
For some fascinating tidbits about the history of the church, visit these pages: Spott's History, and Belhaven's History.